مبيت in English

Meaning of مبيت in English is: (accommodation) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

مبيت بالانجليزي

English for مبيت


1) accommodation-noun


  ∘ مبيت meaning in English & Arabic

a place to live, work or stay in

مبيت أي مكان لتسكن أو تعيش قيه

  ∘ Examples of مبيت in English and Arabic

They provided extra accommodation for the guests.

قدموا مبيت إضافي للضيوف.

Prices include flights and hotel accommodation.

تتضمن الأسعار رحلات الطيران و المبيت في الفندق.

More Examples

The hotel needs new rooms for accommodation.

يحتاج الفندق غرف جديدة للمبيت.

The company offers accommodation for employees.

تقدم الشركة مبيت للموظفين.

  ∘ How to pronounce مبيت in English?

accommodation is pronounced in English as

English for مبيت


1) accommodation-noun


  ∘ مبيت meaning in English & Arabic

a place to live, work or stay in

مبيت أي مكان لتسكن أو تعيش قيه

  ∘ Examples of مبيت in English and Arabic

They provided extra accommodation for the guests.

قدموا مبيت إضافي للضيوف.

Prices include flights and hotel accommodation.

تتضمن الأسعار رحلات الطيران و المبيت في الفندق.

More Examples

The hotel needs new rooms for accommodation.

يحتاج الفندق غرف جديدة للمبيت.

The company offers accommodation for employees.

تقدم الشركة مبيت للموظفين.

  ∘ How to pronounce مبيت in English?

accommodation is pronounced in English as
