فرح in English

Meaning of فرح in English is: (wedding, cheerful) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

فرح بالانجليزي

English for فرح


1) wedding-noun


  ∘ فرح meaning in English & Arabic

a marriage ceremony and any celebrations that follow it

  ∘ Plural of فرح in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of فرح in English and Arabic

You are invited to my brother's wedding

أنت مدعوّة لفرح أختي

The bride was beautiful on her wedding day

كانت العروس جميلة ليلة فرحها

More Examples

Hundreds attended the wedding ceremony

حضر المئات الفرح

I would not be able to come to the wedding

لن أستطيع حضور الفرح

  ∘ How to pronounce فرح in English?

wedding is pronounced in English as

2) cheerful-adj


  ∘ فرح meaning in English & Arabic

happy, and showing it by the way that you behave

شخص فرح أيّ شخص مبتهج أو سعيد و يظهر ذلك من خلال تصرفاته

  ∘ Examples of فرح in English and Arabic

You seem cheerful today.

تبدو فرحا اليّوم.

He looks cheerful when he meet his friends.

يبدو فرحا عندما يلقى أصدقاءه.

More Examples

She became more cheerful than before passing her exam.

أصبحت فرحة أكثر من قبل أن تجتاز امتحانها.

  ∘ How to pronounce فرح in English?

cheerful is pronounced in English as

English for فرح


1) wedding-noun


  ∘ فَرَح meaning in English & Arabic

a marriage ceremony and any celebrations that follow it

  ∘ Plural of فَرَح in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of فَرَح in English and Arabic

You are invited to my brother's wedding

أَنْتِ مَدْعُوَّةٌ لِفَرَحِ أُخْتِيْ

The bride was beautiful on her wedding day

كَانَتِ العَرُوْسُ جَمِيْلَةً لَيْلَةَ فَرَحِهَا

More Examples

Hundreds attended the wedding ceremony

حَضَرَ المِئَاتُ الفَرَحَ

I would not be able to come to the wedding

لَنْ أَسْتَطِيْعَ حُضُوْرَ الفَرَحِ

  ∘ How to pronounce فَرَح in English?

wedding is pronounced in English as

2) cheerful-adj


  ∘ فَرِح meaning in English & Arabic

happy, and showing it by the way that you behave

شخص فَرِح أيّ شخص مبتهج أو سعيد و يُظهر ذلك من خلال تصرفاته

  ∘ Examples of فَرِح in English and Arabic

You seem cheerful today.

تبدو فَرِحاً اليّوم.

He looks cheerful when he meet his friends.

يبدو فَرِحاً عندما يلقى أصدقاءه.

More Examples

She became more cheerful than before passing her exam.

أصبحت فَرِحة أكثر من قبل أن تجتاز امتحانها.

  ∘ How to pronounce فَرِح in English?

cheerful is pronounced in English as
