تعاقب in English

Meaning of تعاقب in English is: (succession) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

تعاقب بالانجليزي

English for تعاقب


1) succession-noun


  ∘ تعاقب meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable] the regular pattern of one thing following another thing

التّعاقب هو تتابع الأشياء أو الأحداث بنمط منتظم وثابت

  ∘ Examples of تعاقب in English and Arabic

The succession of the seasons

تعاقب الفصول

The succession of day and night

تعاقب اللّيل والنّهار

  ∘ How to pronounce تعاقب in English?

succession is pronounced in English as

English for تعاقب


1) succession-noun


  ∘ تَعَاقُب meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable] the regular pattern of one thing following another thing

التَّعَاقُبُ هُوَ تَتَابُعُ الأَشْيَاءِ أَوِ الأَحْدَاثِ بِنَمَطٍ مُنْتَظَمٍ وَثَابِتٍ

  ∘ Examples of تَعَاقُب in English and Arabic

The succession of the seasons

تَعَاقُبُ الفُصُوْلِ

The succession of day and night

تَعَاقُبُ اللَّيْلِ وَالنَّهَارِ

  ∘ How to pronounce تَعَاقُب in English?

succession is pronounced in English as
