English for تجنيد
1) recruitment-noun
∘ تجنيد meaning in English & Arabic
[uncountable] the act or process of finding new people to join the armed forces, etc.
التّجنيد هو عمليّة ضمّ مجنّدين جدد إلى القوّات المسلّحة
∘ Examples of تجنيد in English and Arabic
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English for تجنيد
1) recruitment-noun
∘ تَجْنِيْد meaning in English & Arabic
[uncountable] the act or process of finding new people to join the armed forces, etc.
التَّجْنِيْدُ هُوَ عَمَلِيَّةُ ضَمِّ مُجَنَّدِيْنَ جُدُدٍ إِلَىْ القُوَّات المُسَلَّحَةِ
∘ Examples of تَجْنِيْد in English and Arabic
The recruitment of mercenaries into the governmen forces
تَجْنِيْدُ المُرْتَزَقَةِ فِيْ القُوَّاتِ الحُكُوْمِيَّةِ
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